We are finished with our first trimester of Spanish! Woohoo!
It's been tough, much harder than we thought it would be. It's not the intake that is such a slow process, but the output! Nevertheless, God has been gracious to us and we are very pleased with our Spanish progress.
We have a break from school this week as graduating students leave and new ones arrive, and we have to leave Costa Rica for a minimum of three days to renew our visas. This means a road trip up to Managua, Nicaragua to visit our team leaders, the Loftsgards! It has been two years since I have been there, four years for Katie, and the boys have never been. We are very excited to spend several days catching up with old friends and seeing again firsthand what God is doing! I'm planning a current update after we return about Missionary Ventures Nicaragua and the areas of ministry there.
Please pray for safety on the drive to and back from Nicaragua! My research tells me the drive can be anywhere from 7 to 12 hours, depending on how long you are stuck at the border. So if you want more specifics, pray for honest and ungreedy border officials, sleepy boys, and that our 15 year old, Korean engineered and manufactured fine specimen of an automobile will chug it's way up and down the mountains without a hitch.
God bless and we love you all!
Dave for Kate, Cohen and Titus
Hey Guys!
We'll pray for your trip for sure. Excited for you!
Hey y'all!
I called you several times before I remembered you are out of town. We love you guys.
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